Fun bullet points for word
Fun bullet points for word

fun bullet points for word

However, many would consider this logic as being either too rigid or irrelevant, and it is very common to see lists of bullets points in which each item begins with a capital letter despite the colon that comes before the first point.


If we take that only a full stop, a question mark, or an exclamation mark can mark the end of a sentence, it is only logical to begin the items that make up the list with small or lowercase letters because the sentence that began with "The value of soil" is yet to end. Most often, the text that introduces such lists ends with a colon, as in "The value of soil for agriculture depends on the following factors:". This is why capitalization of items that make up a list of bullet points is sometimes a matter of style. However, in lists of bullet points, the beginning of a point is also indicated by space and the item marker (whether a bullet, a number, or a letter). A capital letter typically marks the beginning of a sentence. Now, in a list of bullet points, whether each item begins with a capital letter depends on the punctuation mark that comes before the item. (Ruth Walker, "We Speak Nowadays in a Hail of Bullets.While writing an academic paper, you may make use of bullet points. A paragraph is better than bullets for putting elements into more complex relationships."

fun bullet points for word

After all, a paragraph lets you mix things up a bit: a declarative sentence here, a rhetorical question there, maybe even a brief list. "If your material isn't really a collection of comparable elements, then bullets are probably not the best presentation.


If you're writing about 'Six Things You Should Do Before Shopping for a Good Used Car,' make sure you give your readers or listeners six things they should do, not four things plus a snarky observation about used-car salesmen and a nostalgic whine about what a gem your old Mustang was. "The key to making good use of bullet points is to make sure the elements on your list hang together. On the printed page, bullets 'break up the gray,' as we say in the world of publishing. "For public speakers, bullet points serve as prompts to extemporaneous speech, and are often more useful than a complete text. Giridharadas, "Language as a Blunt Tool of the Digital Age." The New York Times, Jan. "The most effective communication at work is not the bulky memo, but the bullet-riddled PowerPoint presentation, which people from varied nationalities can absorb in very little time." Each item must be a continuation of the introductory sentence. If the first bulleted item is a declarative sentence in the present tense, the rest should also be declarative sentences in the present tense. I love coming up with fun new themes for my monthlies Weeklies. "The most common problem with bulleted lists is an absence of parallel construction. The word monthlies is just shorthand for monthly spread or monthly log. more tips on using bullets well: (1) end your introduction with a colon, which serves as an anchor (2) keep the items grammatically parallel (see PARALLELISM)." They enhance readability by emphasizing salient points. "When you don't mean to imply that one thing in a list is any more important than another-that is, when you're not signaling a rank order-and when there is little likelihood that the list will need to be cited, you might use bullet dots.

  • Avoid the drift toward a clichéd ending.
  • Commit to a closing worthy of the piece.
  • Hold one of your best examples or anecdotes for the closing.
  • In your notes, keep track of potentially dramatic closing materials.
  • The idea is simply to end by design rather than default, and any of the following practices will help:.
  • It is never necessary to place the conjunction and before the item in a bulleted list." Words and phrases that follow bullets need no ending punctuation. If a sentence follows the bullet, place a period at its end.

    Fun bullet points for word